
The dashboard is the starting point for the website's features. In the middle, you will find the most important information. On the right side, you will find the wallets. On the left side are the various sections, which are covered in the following chapters.

Basic Functions

After logging in, you will find yourself on the depicted homepage.

The website is available in two languages. In the top right corner, you can switch languages. You will also find a bell icon with the most important status updates for your profile. The gear icon allows you to directly access your profile or log out. At the bottom, you will find links for the referral program.

The website is available in two languages. In the top right corner, you can switch languages. You will also find a bell icon with the most important status updates for your profile. The gear icon allows you to directly access your profile or log out. At the bottom, you will find links for the referral program.

In kommenden Kapitel werden die verschiedenen Rubriken beschrieben.

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