Know-Your-Customer (KYC)

To unlock the account for blockchain products, we are required to identify customers according to international and Swiss law.

First, personal data is recorded using a template. Subsequently, there will be a video call using a laptop (with camera and microphone) or a smartphone. You must be alone in the room. An agent will guide each customer through the verification process. The languages available are German or English.


Signed and valid identification document with an MRZ code.

Laptop with camera and microphone or a smartphone. Make sure that the microphones and cameras are switched on and enabled. If it does not work, it often helps to change the device. On a laptop, it works on most devices.


To execute, go to the "Account" section in the dashboard and find the "Verify Your Account" button at the top right of the new page. Clicking this button starts the process.

An information notice will appear. The same email address used during registration must be entered into the template. After confirming the notice, you will find the template for entering personal data.

In the template, personal data is entered via text input. All required fields are marked with a red *.

If the input is valid, the system will underline the respective field in green. If there is an invalid input, the system will underline the field in red.

In our example, the email address is marked in red. Here, there is only one extra space. (" "). Removing the extra space after the email address will remove the red underline and it will turn green.

At the end of the template, you must give consent for video identification, and then you can start further verification. The camera of the device in use will automatically turn on. Have your identification document ready. The room should be well-lit. No other persons should be in the room.

Enter your phone number and you will receive a verification code on your phone. After entering the code, the video identification process can start. Within a few minutes, an agent will appear to guide you through the verification.


If required, take a look at our video instructions.

Last updated