Security verification (2FA and email)

The technical verifications required to use the website to its full extent are described here.

Email Verification

First, it is necessary to verify your own email. At the top right under the bell icon, you can go directly to email verification. Alternatively, you can find the email verification through your account.

After confirming the email verification, you will find an email in your email inbox. The code from the email is entered into the following template. After that, the account is verified.

2-Factor Authentication

2-Factor Authentication (2FA) is an advanced account protection method. Many features, such as withdrawal, do not work without 2-Factor Authentication. During login, in addition to the password, a 6-digit code is requested, which you enter during login. With the email method, the code is sent to your email. For a more convenient 2FA via app, you can use Google Authenticator available in the Google Play Store or iOS Store and use the function with a smartphone.

Enabling 2-Factor Authentication

Clicking the orange button will open a new window. Make sure to have your smartphone ready with the Authenticator App open. Click on "Verify" and scan the QR code. Finally, confirm the setup with your password.

If the QR code has been scanned correctly, a numerical code appears with a time window that expires in a pie chart. Enter the code in the upper field and click on "Verify".

You will now be asked to confirm your account password. Click on "Verify" to complete the 2-factor authentication. When all verifications have been set up, the information field in the account section lights up green.

Last updated