Discuss with us: Telegram Channel

We have several social media channels in the Telegram channel. Telegram is a kind of messenger like WhatsApp. Telegram has the special feature that you can manage very large groups. We Founder Admins and also partners of TMNG are represented in the Telegram channel. You can download Telegram for an Android or Apple smartphone here.

There is also a desktop app for your PC or laptop, which you can download here.


Please note that you should never share private information like your passwords, private keys, 2FA codes, or access credentials with anyone in Telegram channels. The TMNG Team does not need such data.

If you want to communicate with the TMNG Team, you can write to them by selecting TMNG Team from the member list in the channel and clicking on Send Message to start a chat. You will also see that the TMNG Team has an Admin label in the member overview. This way, you can recognize official team members. Also, pay attention to the username "TMNGteam" and the correct spelling. At the bottom, you can compare the groups and see if these are the official channels of TMNG.

The TMNG Team will never contact you directly or ask for sensitive data, as described above.

Telegram Groups

We have a total of four Telegram groups. There are the so-called broadcasting groups. Here, the most important messages are compiled. You can comment on the postings. Furthermore, there are two discussion channels, in English and German respectively. In the discussion channels, you can interact or chat with us.

The TMNG Team will never contact you directly or ask for sensitive data, as described above.

Joining the Groups

The link below opens a Telegram bot with various functions. Using the bot, you can join the Telegram groups. If you don't see the standard options as shown in the image below, type /start in the text input and press Enter. This will restart the bot.

First, a notification message will appear, which you need to accept at the bottom.

After accepting, a LinkTree will appear with important links to TMNG and at the top the four telegram groups mentioned. We look forward to seeing you!

Last updated